
Nordhavnen, Kopenhagen, Offener Internationaler Wettbewerb
Landschaftsarchitektur: Anna Viader Soler, Francesca Venier


Urban form / Copenhagen meets Øresund / A city at the water
The overall urban development derives from the structured and formed (formal) Nordhavenen port development principles. The port development and artificial land reclamation of former generations shows its form determinant functionality via polygonal cut areas. The development of Nordhavenen derives from it. The water is the design and border determinant element from the open strait to the small channel. The hierarchic structured channel system creates eight different town quarters that are integrated into the layout and design of Copenhagen’s port development genealogy.

Strategy and development
A town structure is proposed so that it can cope with future development and unpredictability. The strategy for the whole concept has been created in such a way that a spacious and functioning quarter is accomplished in each stage of town development that provides structure for the next coming development stage. A spacious frame is formed by adjusted channel and water systems in conjunction with a superior structure of space which subdivides the future land in different dimensional town areas. A concise layout (framework) for versatile and future development will emerge. Convertibility and adaptability are very sustainable parameters for the development of a city. This is why it has been proposed to subdivide some building areas into small plots forming the basic model of a European city. This enables the construction of different and private apartments which creates a lively surrounding, a city for everyone.
